Connect your inbox in 5 min &
start your warm-up ⏱

Inbox Image

Add inbox from any email provider
(Gmail/GSuite, Outlook 365,Yahoo Mail,
Amazon SES,Mailchim, SMTP, etc.) setup
your inbox in few minutes.

integrated emails providers

Mail Image
Gmail Image
Gsuite inbox
Email provider

A collection of cloud-based
productivity and collaboration
tools developed by Google.
including Gmail for email.

Send Grid
Sendgrid inbox
Email provider

SendGrid is a cloud-based email
service provider that allows
businesses to send and manage
their email communications

Amazon ses inbox
Email provider

Amazon Simple Email Service is
a cloud-based email sending
service provided by AWS for
businesses and developers.

Mailchimp inbox
Email provider

Mailchimp is a cloud-based email
marketing platform that enables
businesses to create, send
and manage email campaigns.